14217 Mill Hollow Lane, Strongsville OH 44136(440) 668-3053

Book Clubs

Who doesn’t love a good book?!

Why not join a Book Club and host your next monthly meeting at Miss Hickory’s Tea Room??

Benefits of being in a Book Club:

You get to read a new book at least once a month.

You meet new and interesting people and make new friends.

You read books you might not  normally read.

You have people to talk to as soon as you finish a book.

You have long and thoughtful discussions about your latest read,

possibly engaging in heated debates

or collectively arguing about bad stories and terrible characters

… all in a good way!

You catch up with members about life, pop culture and  new novels

… all while enjoying a delicious meal in a wonderful atmosphere!

Please call us @ (440) 668-3053 & make your reservations today!