14217 Mill Hollow Lane, Strongsville OH 44136(440) 668-3053

Storybook Teas

Miss Hickory’s Tea Room is planning to have
a quarterly Storybook Tea in the future.

Please ask your server for our ‘Calendar of Events.’

At our Storybook Teas, children will enter

a world of fantasy and excitement.

They will travel to faraway lands of make believe and,

with the help of their imagination, their journey will be endless

… always having learned a valuable life lesson.

Each child will participate in an activity and/or craft,

which will relate to the story being told.

The menu will offer them choices in the following categories:




Please refer to our

Calendar of the Events

for updates!

Please call us @ (440) 668-3053 & make your reservations today, as seating is limited!